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Atomic and optical physics I (MIT, W.Ketterle)

Atomic and optical physics II (MIT, W.Ketterle)

Statistical mechanics of particles I (MIT, M.Kardar)

Statistical mechanics of fields II (MIT, M.Kardar)

Geometrical anatomy of theoretical physics (Universitat Erlangen, F.Schuller)

General relativity (Heraeus school, F.Schuller)

Mathematical physics (PSI, C.Bender)

Introduction to conformal field theory (T.Osborn)

Black holes advanced courses

Black holes lectures (PSU, A.Ashtekar)

Black hole thermodynamics (ICTP, R.Wald)

Black holes and quantum information (Cornell, T.Hartman)

Asymptotic symmetries

Infrared structure of gravity and gauge theory (Harvard, A.Strominger)

Asymptotic symmetries, black holes and holography (IPhT, M.Guica)

Causality in QFT

The averaged null energy condition in QFT (ICTP, T.Hartman)

RG flows

Particle physics and the structure of RG flows (GGI, R.Rattazzi)

Holography and entropy bounds

Holography in general spacetimes (LMU Munich, R.Bousso)

Celestial holography

Celestial holography primer (IphT, A.Puhm)

General relativity and effective field theory

Gravitational waves and binary systems (IHES, T.Damour)

Effective field theory for gravity (GGI, A.Nicolis)

Post-Newtonian gravity

Gravity: Newtonian, post-Newtonian, Relativistic (ICTS, C.Will)

Black hole perturbation theory

Black hole perturbation theory (ICTS, E.Berti)

Self-force in gravity theory

Self-force and radiation reaction in general relativity (ICTS, A.Pound)

Regge theory

Regge physics (EPFL, J.Penedones)

S-matrix bootstrap

The analytic S-matrix (IphT, A.Zhiboedov)

Mathematical structure of Feynman diagrams

Motivic periods and cosmic Galois group (IHES, F.Brown)

Entanglement entropy

Entanglement in QFT (Perimeter Institute, H.Casini)

Finite temperature field theory

Holography, Finite Temperature QFT and Hydrodynamics (MITP, A.Starinets)

Finite temperature field theory (MITP, G.Moore)

QCD and collider physics

QCD and collider physics (GGI institute, J.Thaler)

Lattice QCD

Introduction to Lattice QCD (MITP,M.Marinkovic)

QCD phase diagram (MITP,C.Ratti)

Geometry of scattering amplitudes (for the love of physics....I was there from 9 am till 3 am!)

Geometry of scattering amplitudes (QMAP, N.Arkani-Hamed)


Trinity College Dublin.

The University of Dublin


Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Edinburgh

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