1906.11763 "Asymptotic Charges and Coherent States in QCD"
2002.00975 "BMS Symmetry of Celestial OPE"
2012.01406 "Light-ray operators, detectors and gravitational event shapes"
2107.10193 "Waveforms from amplitudes"
2109.01072 "Geodesics from Classical Double Copy"
2112.07036 "Graviton particle statistics and coherent states from classical scattering amplitudes"
2112.07556 "The Uncertainty Principle and Classical Amplitudes"
2207.13719 "Celestial holography on Kerr-Schild backgrounds"
2212.13269 "Bethe-Salpeter equation for classical gravitational bound states"
2304.06066 "Boundary to bound dictionary for generic Kerr orbits"
2305.17166 "Wave scattering event shapes at high energies"
2309.17429 "Spinning waveforms from KMOC at leading order"
2402.00124 "Gravitational Bound Waveforms from Amplitudes"
GGI workshop 2021: Gravitational scattering, inspiral and radiation
"Waveforms from the KMOC formalism and coherent states"
QCD meets gravity 2021
"An infinity of amplitude relations in classical physics"
Corfu workshop 2022: Celestial Amplitudes and Flat space holography:
"Celestial holography on non-trivial backgrounds"
QCD meets gravity 2022
"Bethe-Salpeter equation for classical gravitational bound states"
GWs meet Amplitudes 2023
"From classical scattering amplitudes to bound state observables"
Bachelor thesis "A theoretical and computational study of orbital angular momentum modes in optical fiber"
Master thesis "The infinite-spin representations of the Poincaré group"
Phd thesis "Coherent states and classical radiative observables in the S-matrix formalism"
SAGEX network exhibition: SAGEX online exhibition
Quanta Magazine: Massive Black Holes Shown to Act Like Quantum Particles
Research article for cosmology course "Galactic Magnetic Fields"
Group project for Stochastic processes "A Markov discrete/continuous model about deposition of particles"
Computational study of alpha+beta Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain